Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Tofu Song

Remember how I said I was going to make a Tofu Song in the comments of RK's super awesome Guitar post? Well, since I am an even bigger copycat, I made a music video for it. Enjoy, and CREEPY.

Thanks for watching! Special thanks to RK for this idea! Comment or rate if you like it!


  1. Yes, that WAS my voice. I did you voice changer, but I am still SUCH a good singer. (JK. Seriously, JK.)

    I am so weird.

  2. Hey Connor it's me Anna! I found your blog it's awesome! I love it i read all the posts today the tofu song was the best by far (FTW!) LOL
    Now Gus has his own blog haha lets hope I dont forget about it all the time... anyways love the blog!
    #Gus the Guinea pig! (or Anna...)

  3. Haha! Thx! You remember my little friend from Mrs D's class, right? That is RK. Don't want to say our names. THAT IS WHY I AM CB. lol! it is okay. my other alias is Connor doohicky, so it is okay. Thx for reading! sry bout grammar; oyr laptop got a virus and we have to use only our touch. :( thx!


  4. Haha CB u crack me up! Btw its

    NNpro- A.K.A *bleeeeeeeeep* XD


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