Saturday, November 5, 2011

How to make a nail design without messing up

Hey Art Drawerians! You have got RK here and today I want to tell you how you can create your own "stickers" for your fingernails.

You will need:
Nail polish
A plastic baggie or cling wrap
A dotting tool or a bobby pin
Paper plate (optional)

Lay out your plastic sandwich bag or cling wrap. Say you wanted to make a pink star. Poor out a little bit of nail polish onto your paper plate. If you do not have a paper plate just poor it onto the cling wrap or sandwich bag. Take your dotting tool or bobby pin and dip it into the small pool of nail polish and then on a spot of your cling wrap or sandwich bag create the star with the dotting tool or bobby pin. Wait an hour for it to dry come back, peel it off and put a clear coat onto your fingernail. Stick the star on and put a clear coat over the fingernail. Now you have a perfect star without messing up on your left hand. Enjoy!

(Pictures to come soon!)

Keep it Nurby! ~RK

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